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Вы замечаете, что становитесь невероятно нетерпеливыми, ожидая, пока ваш электромобиль зарядится? Если это вам знакомо, есть хорошие новости. когда PINGALAX домашняя зарядная станция для электромобилей вступает в игру.
Дни ожидания, пока ваш электромобиль заряжается, могут подойти к концу. PINGALAX домашняя зарядная станция для электромобилей means you can fast charge in no time. The technology is actually awesome in that it can charge your car within a few hours, much better than before. You might save yourself a fair bit of time.
Это не только быстро, но и делает нашу землю лучше. Используя PINGALAX зарядное устройство для электромобилей, you are helping keep our Earth clean and free from the pollution of contaminants.
Это может действительно оказать большую помощь вам и вашему водителю, если вы будете заряжать его с помощью PINGALAX. зарядное устройство для электромобилей. Идея этой интеллектуальной технологии зарядки заключается в том, что она будет максимизировать ценность каждый раз, когда вы меняете свой электромобиль. Это позволяет вам проехать больше, прежде чем вам снова придется заправлять аккумуляторы. Попробуйте зарядку на 22 кВт, она может окупиться и преобразить ваше путешествие еще больше.
Being a credit card charging station alone is already great news for electric cars in general, but having PINGALAX зарядное устройство уровня 2 NOW means EV owners can fully charge their vehicles almost twice as fast than they would do at home. Fast-charging options ensure that you get back on the road faster as well. It also features a host of technology that enables you to cover greater range between charges.
22kw ev charging station efficiently: Data accumulation the problems arise everyday operation scenarios, daily inspections, we offer warnings product failures 24 hour after-sales service efficiently handle product failures.Continuous product iteration: The technical department analyze the charging pile problems update the product continuously well carry out product iteration regular basis.Technical support after-sales services The core team our technical department stable. The technical team makes up more 60% the total workforce our business. They've worked years the charging pile field, they the ability offer quality reliable technical assistance.
The 22kw ev charging station of EV Charger self-research, production and use: Power Modules, Chips, Control Units Charging Management System.Support The Construction of EV Charger Factory, OEM/ODM/Re-label Business Partner, Engineering Tech Support for Construction of EV Charging Station.
Support OEM/ODM customized services for charging pile products. Different 22kw ev charging station are supported. Fast charging piles chargers for DC compatible with the majority of the new energy models available. It can switch between 12V and 24V. Charge piles have powers ranges from 3.5kW to 640kW are available. A number of products have been awarded GB and CE certification. The charging piles are configured with a charging systems developed by the user that can linked to various management platforms. Tests for products that are strict: We apply strict tests to all products, such as salt spray tests, electrical performance test, testing for waterproof as well as radiation harassment tests, transportations test, etc. To ensures the integrity of charging piles. We source the charging.
22kw ev charging station developed technical research development capabilities, R&D personnel account 60% the total, adept mastering the core technology, ensuring high-quality control stage the process (independent R&D, production, sales)We provide one-stop-shop service design R&D manufacturing installations, after-sales even operation.The company applied intellectual property rights 212 (107 legally granted) 105 patentsMore 100 companies worldwide formed partnership